
Become a Macaroni Kid Publisher

This Job is Rewarding in Many Ways!:)

November 23, 2016
The following is a personal story by one of our Macaroni Kid Publishers about running her own local site.
If you are interested in starting a Macaroni Kid edition please email: Please mention that you have been referred by Julia from Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Macaroni Kid. 

I am no super mom, I am simply a mom that was looking everywhere to find activities for my kids. I grabbed the flyers at the library, searched all the local websites, signed up for numerous newsletters; and then thought of all the parents doing the exact same thing. There had to be an easier way, and that is why I decided to bring Macaroni Kid to my area. With over 500 successful editions nationwide, I knew it was a valid way to run my own business from home while providing valuable information to my community. 

My first months as a publisher were spent finding events and entering them into the Macaroni Kid calendar; parks, libraries, special events – I couldn’t believe all that was provided to our families on a daily basis. It felt great to share this information with our subscribers! As the content grew, so did the subscribers. Parents deserve a break whenever they can get it, and that is what we provide - an incredibly easy way to find all the programs and events being planned just for us! 

The next step in my Macaroni Kid journey was to connect local businesses to our subscribers. When I discover places my family and friends love, I can provide a low-cost, effective way for them to advertise to their target market - local moms. My Macaroni Kid business provides me many avenues to work with local companies to fit their goals including site ads, barters, event partnerships, review articles, giveaways and more. 

The most rewarding part of my job though is connecting families and my community. What we do is more than a website and I realize this more and more as I hear things like “Thanks to your website we found a local Pokemon club that my son who is autistic loves” and “We found our super kid-friendly pediatric dentist thanks to you!” 

Do you or someone you know want to bring Macaroni Kid to where you live? We would love to help you turn your own unique talents and gifts into your own Macaroni Kid business. Email us at for more information. Again, please mention that you were referred by Julia from Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Macaroni Kid. Thank you!